This series could be based on the novel Sisterhood of Dune, by Brian Herbert and Kevin J
TV series set in the “Dune” universe that focuses on the lives of the Bene Gesserit. Whether they’re exploring the stars, escaping dystopias, or making the world a better place, these women are what science fiction is all about.
Referenced in Crazy Cartoon Cast: The New Normal (2020) by AniMat
Anderson. A prequel to the original Dune, it is the first in the Great Schools of Dune trilogy and tells the story of how the Sisterhood of Rossak evolved into the Bene Gesserit.
But I think the show would have benefited more from a two episode drop
The first episode of Dune Prophecy was good, I thought it was a strong opening episode. Interesting storyline, the acting has some hiccups, but the sets look great, the scale of the worlds seems very convincing, and the pacing is very well done.
There are a lot of people who say it’s boring and gross or whatever, I disagree
It’s really hard to fit such a vast mythology into a pilot, but they did a good job. I think they’ve laid out a good foundation and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.
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Only time will tell if this show will make its mark. A new season of “Silo” is one of the biggest TV and streaming premieres this month.